Masha Novik
Певица, музыкант и автор песен Маша Новик родилась в Беларуси. На данный момент живет в Англии и учится в Ливерпульском институте искусств на факультете Songwriting and Performance.
Eще ребенком Маша принимала участие в различных музыкальных конкурсах и фестивалях, таких как Славянский Базар, Национальный отбор на Детское Евровидение и тд. За победу в нескольких международных музыкальных конкурсах Маша была награждена 3-мя Президентскими наградами.
Маша говорит, что ее осознанное вовлечение в музыку началось в трудный период ее жизни, когда она чувстволвала себя очень одинокой. Однако, волей случая она встретила талантливого звукоинженера, который оказался компаньоном одного из членов Recording Academy (Grammy Awards). Позже Маша подписала согласие с лэйблом GFI music и выпустила совместный трек Freedom In My Mind.
I am a Belarus born singer-songwriter and pianist, currently based in England. I study in the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts and major in Music (Songwriting and Performance)
As a child, I took part in many song contests in Europe such as a selection for JESC and etc., which was fun but for certain reasons I never really enjoyed that. For winning some of the international contests, I was treated by the country and got 3 President Grand Awards.
My conscious involvement into music occurred during a hard period of my life. I didn’t have any soulmates beside and was through a loneliness test. I’ve been working up to 8 hours a day, however, still didn’t know where to go and what to do next. Luckily, (and absolutely by chance!) I met a talented sound engineer who turned out to be a companion of one of the members of Recording Academy (Grammy Awards). Later on, I signed a recording agreement with their label in NY - GFI music, and became a member of songwriting association of the US of A.
When I was 15, I firmly decided to follow the life of my dreams, so at the age of 16, I got into LIPA and moved to England.
At the moment I live in Liverpool and focus on my original material. I have a band, working with different musicians, do records and experiment a lot. I’m looking forward to releasing more songs of mine and to having opportunities to have my music heard!
Live, Love, Sing and Know Thyself
Masha ♥
Instagram masha__novik
Soundcloud Masha Novik